Last night I did "The Biggest Loser Boot Camp - Week 1" again, and I added a little 6 minute abs video from cable on demand - from the original "abs of steel" video girl! She even had big posters up in her "studio" of the VHS cover pictures with those totally 80s spandex-y jobs. It was awesome and HARD, but it was clearly a cut-down version because some of the exercises didn't repeat on the other side. Man, I'm gonna be ripped - I'll have a 3-pack! During "Biggest Loser" I really concentrated on deep lunges, rather than going half-way. I had trouble keeping up with the pace that way but I really felt it and my "glutes" are really sore today. In a good way. I forgot how much I enjoy the feeling the next day after a good workout.
Day Two Success!
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